I suppose that you're right about the fact that this offers 2 unique playstyles, instead of just 1, which is kinda cool. Maybe a bit too cool sadly...
Currently, trance is by far the most hated of the annie mythics : it's damage isnt great, with a major id that somewhat tries to compensate for...
I say that instead of once a week, you could have a weekend long window during which you can challenge annie once, at anytime during that window....
They won't be doing the pop offs
Best pfinder party be like
Uhh so firstly, without a mouse it's gonna be hard (unless u use macros but that's gay), from experience using a trackpad for wynn in general is...
Well you can't tp when in a questline...
Ppl say that u hop at the 3rd woosh of the lacerate, but honestly i just kinda see when it flies and when it doesn't
I it's a 30% speed increase i think, so it might not be as noticeable as for the 2 other archetypes
You can find wynncraft OSTs on their ost dedicated yt channel
Item bombs? A priori you can't claim those anymore. Don't worry about it tho, they are kinda shit.
Are you killing the correct mob?It can take like 10-20m
Highest is shaman because every second you spend playing it you ask yourself why