How much are you willing to pay?
Baguette ;)
MCUsername: DaFirefly Why you want to play: Love building, love to collab, want to improve with Voxel and master WorldEdit. Timezone: EST.
[I know they're whitelisted for builders] I kinda love building, and obviously Wynncraft's style of building outranks tons of servers, so I was...
Bump again, price changes
Bumping againbumps
bumperoni inorepmub
Great, I'll be in Rodoroc, /msg me Awesome, /msg DaFirefly ingame.Bumping my own thread for visibilityB u m p e r i n o
As simple as the title says ARMOR Helmets / Legendary & Set / Aries (http://puu.sh/vt2TG/b3c4fa588b.png) Shawl of Gaea...
Hey, how much for your Millenium, Crystal, and Memento?
The server restarted while the cutscene with Maxie showed, now when I got back on, I'm stuck. Help.
Ok, I'm using the seaskipper and I had the ticket to Selchar. It did it again when I right clicked the npc in front of it. What is going on?
Didn't appear, lmfao. When you're dirt poor and only have 3 LE's.
I just finished Thanos' Vaults, and when I right clicked the NPC to finish, I had an LE in my hand by accident. Now it's forever gone. Is this a...
http://puu.sh/vps7I/26ee42b216.jpg Price of this Adamantite http://puu.sh/vpsaK/ee75fa4609.png Price of these Stalagmites...