So basically, i'm posting this because i'm bored. It focuses on having high regen rate but has some decent damage so you can solo bosses. I used...
For the doubters of the daily objective they have, actually do them, legit got Hero mythic from one while leveling shaman.
Got 2 items I need pricechecked by folks who know mythic prices. Guardian: https://prnt.sc/ogjlm2 Monster: https://prnt.sc/ohsbys Thanks again.
This thread really needs more attention imo, can't add much more to the thread since you've basically said what i think about this. +1
I mean, near the bremminglar mountain (coastal bit) theres a few red name squids that spawn in the ocean so this idea is possible to implement....
http://prntscr.com/ogjlm2 Pricecheck on this Guardian? Cheers all.
http://prntscr.com/o8a13s Pricecheck on this Weathered please? Thanks. Edit: Been told 12-14 stacks but wanna see range of prices it could be worth.
Price of a max ws Archangel nowadays? (Don't own one, but planning on it)
I guess let's test my luck, I have no other reason to enter other than being broke. Good luck everyone.
Would you consider a mythic trade? My Az for your Arch. [ATTACH]
The original Ratchet & Clank on the ps2, one of the best games i've ever played...