https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/game-forum-rules.111874/ Check in game rules It doesn't break any
My current Guildmates really want to start warring, We're Guild Level 38, there isn't another level 100+ in this Guild They don't listen to me...
Nah switching Class at Level 105 is quitting, 106 or bust. /s
Just level a bit, in a few in game hours you're there Don't needlessly pay someone, there's no need to rush creating a Guild, there is no Upside...
The solution would be rewrite all code to be less laggy, which probably means downscaling of everything I'm sorry that you're slowly experiencing...
I know this must suck if you don't even with Performance Mods (which truly are necessary Mojang's coding habbits are terrible and kill the game...
and I say use the right forums for the right discussions? You're facing a bug in Wynntils, go report the bug to Wynntils Maybe there is an easy...
Wynntils Discord for this Wynncraft is not in any way affiliated with Wynntils
1st Try again on different servers again 2nd If issue still persists, create an official Bug Report
These Quests were updated, they aren't in anyway how you remember them to be, If you're not "play the server enough" then it doesn't matter either...