Is the Divzer still for sale?
This was a good answer, I understand it now.
This just shows again that no one has a better argument. And just because I'm saying what I think doesn't mean that I'm getting salty. And you...
This makes no sense to me. In the application information everything should be mentioned, like when you're going to apply for a job at a company....
So you could wait for a month to get a response, in that time you could have applied for another server and get accepted. And then no response...
Still, how would people know if they get accepted?? Like no response whatsoever? Nothing like; "You have been accepted to the staff team etc......
Time of Response In the Moderator Application information, nowhere is stated in which time frame that you could get a response from your...
long time ago, me and a friend were just looking for solutions to the ??? quest. I don't know if he had xray or something but he found some plates...
I want to cancel my order, I got a 19%tDmg Thrunda Ripsaw for 1LE :)
How much is a Cata actually worth?
Ok, I got the 9LE for the Thrunda Ripsaw #3
Sure! Come WC 5 when you have time!
Ok, deal
I don't know, I just posted a starting price. But I got a Thundra Ripsaw from another shop so I don't need this one anymore. Thanks anyway