What is your ign?: ArabianDaddy What is your highest level class?: 81 Do you know me?: (if you don't you don't, don't make some trivial shit up,...
Im good xD
So just because someone is liked by a bunch of people they get xp boost? Donors and YTs do the same thing essentially, they make the server money....
I know that, the last part was referring to when the guy said he gets stuck in things. I don't think the you should be able to teleport through...
I don't think it's just me but whenever I try to attack a territory and it places me into the war world, and what it does is that it uninstalls...
I think at the least mages should be able to teleport through water. And I honestly have no problems with getting stuck in things.
Is double exp weekends going to be every weekend or just random ones every now and then.
Idk, he didn't look like he was getting over it any time soon.
I was trying to make a guild and the Guild Master kept saying "You can only use english characters A-Z", when I obviously was (I attempted to make...
Spin attack has been making mobs fly around all of the place and hitting the user in the process and I'm pretty sure Spin attack is suppose to...
I'm Muslim, I don't celebrate Christmas.
It's probably your armor, check what is cause if it's earth and other stuff, then it would make your attack speed slower.
blue_bloodstar no need to lie, I don't understand it either xD. But yes can you explain the "scam" please
And Salted, one question. I have noticed random gain of skill points in certain skills, is leveling up not the only way to get skill points?
What does DPS mean?nvm Damage per secondWell, not every came on with thunder stuff, cause I know i came on with 3/4 of my armor set was earth and...