It would be nice if when you get a very big pull for your Lootrun Chest you could see all the pages to possible claim all the loot that you would...
I Feel like the Lootrun Chest you should be able to claim everything from it if you wanted so if you had more items than can be shown you should...
Im not sure if its even possible in minecraft maybe it is now in the newer version but it would be nice if you could assign keybinds to cast...
Anyone know if someone has created a list or areas that the mobs have high item drop chance or can drop items and there are a lot in the area. NOT...
One Suggestion I have for Pets is a way to increase and decrease or just increase the amount of blocks they stay behind cause normally its 1-2...
I know about the /fixquests command where it gives your missing quest items back but does it give all quest items that that class gotten even once...
Why is the Wynncraft News page empty it's been like this for more than a month
For Both Hunted and None-Hunted Mode if you die to a mob or /kill or player if Hunted mode will any items from Festivals drop or specific items...