The next possible Quest is at Level 85 and you need like 2,000,000 Xp to level up. Each MOb I found only gives around 300 Xp. Anyone of you know a...
Can you send my the coords please...
Bump. Did you solve it. I am stuck at the same place.
Where is the Quest even located? Inside or outside Gavel?
Quest Start NPC from The Thans Vault is NOT at 131 2 -5146. Where is Dolem than?
But how to get to Thanos?
Can you please tell me where to get the Troll hair aswell?
Here I am going to post all the funny things I find during my adventures in Gavel build team: That button is to hard to find! Grian: Better?...
There is a Quest at Level 74 that allwos you to fast travel between Detlas and Cinfras.
What is the first step? I found that one guy in the Bird BAr but I do not know what to do next. Please help.
Offers below 3.5 LE accepted. Clean or id'ed #GavelHype
You should have to fight two of them at once IMO.
Are you planing on translating Wynncraft in other languages then English? Since it is a server that heavily relays on text.
Thought about it aswell. Still the quest are a key component of Wynn. Still it would be nice to get the support of a member of the server.
Oh wow. I saw the quite impressive progress. Is this project approoved by the staff?