Class: Mage (level 105) Playstyle: Spell Restrictions: No mythics, Hunter's Calling items, or LI items. No The Nothing since I'd need to defeat...
Class: Mage (level 105) Playstyle: Spell Restrictions: No mythics or Hunter's Calling items Preferences: Riftwalker seems like the most appealing...
I'm buying a Cascade with high spell damage (The higher the better) and mana regen (ideally 3/4, but at the very least 2/4) Please give your...
another last minute wahoo from me
What's mpc?
Class: Mage Playstyle: Spell Restrictions: No mythics, LI, or hunter's calling items, good for killing the eye Preferences: Good mana regen, high...
Class: Mage Playstyle: Spell Restrictions: No mythics, LI, or hunter's calling items, good for EO Preferences: High mana regen, high int, it'd be...
I have a lot of morph:stardusts, 5 of which I got from a single daily objective reward, so I'm selling them here. Reply if you want one. Here are...
IGN: Flyingbooks42 Discord:Flyingbooks#5387
Class: Mage Playstyle: Spell Restrictions: No mythics, hive, LI, or hunter's calling items Preferences: High mana regen, high int
Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, but I got to the part of Dwarves & Doguns part 2 where it says that I have to follow Axelus...
level: 90 playstyle: (spell, hybrid, melee...) spell preferences: (elements, items...) My only royal amulet is the water one restrictions:...