Because it increases the quality of your loot. Was Eye of the Storm a good quest?
NTA, murder is wholesome 100
You can hit them, it just won't deal damage Are wybels secretly evil?
Out comes measuring glue In goes a 2001 Honda Civic
Why don't you say something that makes sense next time? Do you speak English? Seriously, you people... I'm not good at being mean either but fuck it
It's a big open world, nobody's gonna notice a few bugs! Why do villagers exist?
blowing up Detlas because...
Original: My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not...
Pineapple on Pizza should be a war crime.
Out comes UwU I send Jeff Bezos into the shadow realmcar wash
Granted, god creates an immovable object and tries to move it. However, the object is stuck in the ground, stopping the Earth's rotation and...
Wait shit it's been 7 years since I first joined Wynn? I was fucking 12? And I still don't have a character beyond level 92...
Guess you didn't need the advantage from Guiding Bolt.