Application Format IGN (In-Game Username): Flo567 Country and Timezone: United States, EST Age (optional): 22 Discord Tag: Flo567#9548 Highest...
Still looking for someone to help me with bob, got him down to half health and then lagged out, soloing him is harder than I thought lol
Lobby 2, world 8
Hello everyone, looking for someone to help me get into bobs tomb and potentially help me kill bob. Thanks, Flo567
- In-Game Username: Flo567 - Country and Timezone: USA/EST - Age (optional): 20 - How often do you play Wynncraft? Activity: Daily, at least 2hrs....
Hello everybody, Is anyone in bobs tomb or would like to help me open it? Just message me in game. Thanks, Flo567
Hello everyone, I'm wondering if anyone is currently in bobs tomb that could let me in or if someone was interested in helping me open it? Thanks,...
Do you still need help? I'm on the same quest currently.
IGN: Flo567 Discord(For access to the specific channel when I can link it): Flo#9548 Country/Timezone: EST Highest Combat Level/Class:...
IGN: Flo567 Highest class lvl: Assassin lvl75 Gender-type: (So we don't assume.) Male Reason you want to join: Just finished my semester of...
ehm where is the crypt you have to go too after you give him the hearts ?
Yo I heard you did the Dead Island quest, can you please tell where you got the Severed hearts ?