wynn's come a long way, good to see lots of people I know are still here! hi o/
Alright. Timezone? I'll msg you when I see you online
I second this. Inventory space is not really an issue when you're going into combat, but it's a QoL change that you can only benefit from.
Easier to make, doesn't make rpack 10 times heavier, and it's more convenient. (we would need multiple models for a full animation that actually...
Currently on WC1 Detlas if you're online. EDIT: game kicked me out and internet not responding. Can't trade for now. Will message you when I see...
We can close at 8.
Looking for more.
Bump up .
IGN: Flare2B *optional - Age: /// Highest Class and Level: Mage, 101 Why do you want to join the guild: Trying to get back into Wynn. My old...
Even better. 13LE?
I'll throw a 10LE on it.
Good enough. How much you looking for?
Memento: 4/4 and at least 16% SPD. Chlorine: good overall. Rollick: good overall. (int doesn't matter; spell dmg and water dmg do) Torrential...
I actually sold it some time ago =P
Well, mythics are known to be "out of the norm", right? I like seeing unique items with IDs that don't really fit their element, makes for some...