Remember that person who walked where you walked, grew where you grew, and played where you played all those years ago? Nostalgic times.
Why do you recommend 1.18.2 > 1.12.2? I'm just curious to what you think the advantages are. Thanks in advance!
Thanks, I'll take a look through this.
Real shame. Thank you for the tip! I wasn't aware of this itemlock feature. I don't believe it existed the last time I played.
So I accidentally threw my Chestnut Horse into a random hopper in game, and was browsing for answers around when I saw Wynncraft's no refund...
Hey lads, After quitting Wynncraft for a long while I've come back realizing quite a few updates have come out. The crafting and gathering...
Sounds like a deal, reply to this message saying when you can be on and we'll meet in Detlas ^-^
Wait you're trying to snatch the libra tuffy, I was asking to buy the same one a day earlier LOL I don't particularly need that one because I...
Hiya there ^^ I saw Libra 4 on Hero's shop and its in your possession. I'd like to buy it. Not sure what Libras go for but not too much I'd...
I would like to buy Libra 4. IGN: Marethiyu Not sure what they go for. 5-7 LE?
Ill buy two 14% as well. Me and creeper will probably meet you at the same time.
Yes I am having the same problem at the moment. I crashed from the server, and when I came to rejoin it says I am already logged in. I'm assuming...
Just a little kitten finding his way in the world.