ign: Existing_Player
You titled the thread "Full playthrough feedback". It's also in the feedback subforum. Elytry's post wasn't claiming these were issues, it was a...
You can still claim the reward with /daily.
That's an area from the quest Beyond the Grave.
Hello! Welcone to Wynn! I hope you enjoy your stay here! What are you most looking forward to doing? Fighting strong bosses? Doing quests?...
I found this GH repo some time ago, is this what you're talking about? https://github.com/4321ba/Wynncraft_Noteblock_OST
Your friends also have to have Wynntils installed and you all have to be connected to HadesServer (if you aren't connected you can try "/wynntils...
Because it probably was written by an AI. I don't think the King of Scaleria exists, and AI tends to hallucinate.
They stated in a reply that some items will be moved around a little, but not to new pages.
This is amazing! I think you have an enjoyable writing style. I especially liked the first part where you describe Cinfras. Great work!
Hi, welcome to Wynn! Enjoy your stay!
Hello! Welcome to the Province of Wynn! I hope you'll enjoy your time here! I assume you've already heard of the evacuation of Detlas and the...
It's the date of the premiere at wynn.gg/update.
I just noticed the eye has a heart-shaped pupil, really nice detail!