ayy lmao
http://prntscr.com/9nlzh3 Red Powder III Relic, you literally jump down in to the volcano. No, I am not kidding. You swim through a few blocks...
Dank memes will not be dreams.
Bro you don't use dark theme? Anyway, as far as I'm aware, they weren't since they didn't log on to these servers. However, I may be entirely...
Yooooo spoilers.
I was one of the affected people, so I can tell you. The issue happened only on 2 servers, server 14 and another one. In total, around 350ish...
Maybe, some people have been saying that their items were fine while some were saying that their items were literally UN-identified for some...
Have the exact same issue, Logged back in, all of my items were unID'd. I dunno about my bank though. Another guy said that he couldn't identify...
So far this is what has happened: (At least to me): PC crashed, went to restart. Logged on, saw I had 10 hp. I was like, wtf? I should have...
Yo, I'm like out of the loop on this whole ice dungeon thing. Can somebody give me the coords?
What quest are you currently stuck on? You see, there's a thing called youtube + the wynncraft wiki....
Thanks for the info :D
What do slots do? I saw them under certain pieces of armor, some had 0/3, some had 0/5, I'm not sure what this means. Could someone please...
He's right, there is something there. http://prntscr.com/9jp7cl But there's no way to get up there currently (Maybe it's in a quest that hasn't...