So I put the p+ thing into Matlab as a joke to try and decode it with stuff and putting it through the uint8() command for 8-bit unsigned interger...
At Lab N currently need 2 people
to see how far people will go. if people want to do stupid stuff like offer one e more idc, they're just wasting time. i might get more for it sold
[IMG] Starting bid 1LE
Over: Unturned For what it was and who made it when 2.0 came out it was good and when 3.0 was getting fully fledged out there was a really good...
I'll pass for now. Bump and please quote me to give a notification.
1.5 LE for Statue?
[ATTACH] Make a bid, I'll call it when I think it's good.
I'll get on now for yellow
I am making my way into yellow
It seems that blue and yellow both have golden pressure plates for their activation and red has an iron plate. It seems you need one and only one...
[IMG] Thank you to all the people searching and putting in effort on this quest even if nothing turns up. People who post orders or conjecture...
Assuming they're not cords or a password could they be something like house numbers?
I don't think we should rule out Aldorei, Lexdale, Realm of Light, ToA, WynnD site, and ToL just because they're quest areas given how important...