well as the title says its been a really really long time since i last played this game, it would be really helpful if anyone could link me to...
EmReXx EmReXx#2392 2
IGN: EmReXx Forum name: EmReXx reason why you want to win: i could finally replace my nepta tell something good about france: i failed class cause...
So today i finally hit lv100 on my first class I got myself a really really good Build It was kinda expensive and pain to get but its op I...
[ATTACH] how much would these go for? i mean it has funny id and really high xp and walk speed idk
so this is what i made https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0oG0Ra0Ti02y0cF0cF00W00A00J0B1i0Z0A0A0y000010000A but it still seems kinda bad idk im...
whats the difference between the morph and non-morph sets? i mean, other than the different armor
User: EmReXx Discord: EmRe #2393 Reason: Just started playing Wynncraft (like 5-6dAgo, really nice Game and Community
so uhm anyone? i keep dying to these mushroom guys i need help
so im almost lv20 now but im still using lv8-12 Gear which is kinda bad i wanna buy some gear of the market but idk what to buy can smn mybe help...
and i got a couple questions 1. What do i put my Skill Points on some people say intel but i play archer idk if thats still good 2. How do i get...