1. What is your username? Elldar 2. What is your Discord username? Elldar#7770 3. How old are you? 25 4. What level is your highest level class?...
I have 3% Water Dmg, 221 (max) poison Chlorine if u are interested
Must've been a rly underpriced one then cuz it was 21k on market. I assumed they dropped in price as everything did when update got older and older
That's a price from over a week ago, I've seen them on marketplace for around 20k these days
Im just leaving a comment
No, because I haven't crafted any usable rings yet. But there are some ingredients with % hp regen used in jeweling -...
I'm lvl 80 jeweling. I could craft one for You if You provide ingredients
Can you go down to 6?
I'll get all your air powders and 8x blank. Should be on in 2h
I'm starting to believe You either have problems with reading and understanding, or really like to complain. I just told You, if You buy materials...
To be honest, crafting is really easy and fast to level up as ingredients boost crafting xp MASSIVELY and lvl 1-80 materials are really cheap on...
Im only using crafted weapon and amulet. Scrap is fairy easy to maintain, tho I'd gladly see significant increase in scrap cost, but also items...
Price on 52% loot/11% exp Jera please
Bump 10char I should be online in a few hours
Thats ok. Just let me know when u are online