Username (IGN): earthmage7 Highest Combat Level: Level 56 Mage Timezone: EST DiscordName#0000: earthmage7#0172 Average playtime per...
I currently have me and one other person on World 14. We just need someone to stand on pressure plate
I think we need 3 people in total. A mage(me) a warrior/mage and one other person to stand on pressure plate.
A mage can get to both the warrior and mage buttons so I think that could be fine.
Could you help me with opening Bob's Tomb. I have Bob's crushed soul to open it. I am a Mage. I know you seem to have a lot of requests, so there...
Doubled the Stock! Decent low level legendaries for cheap!
I am a level 49 Mage who has a Bob's crushed soul and is need of a couple other people in order to open and defeat Bob's tomb. I am in EST time...
I have these few legendaries I will never use. I will sell them quite cheap most likely. Just post an offer for any of them and if I accept we can...
I can be on anytime starting now until 1am. I will hop on in a couple mins and will check this post or in game throughout the night
I can meet anytime starting in an hour until 4:30pm est. I can also meet later tonight after 11pm est if wanted.
Sage for 32EB?
I don't know if you still have the Sage, but I would be willing to pay 48EB for it.
I am looking to buy Bob's Tear for the Bob's Lost Soul quest. I am willing to pay up to 10EB for the tear. I have been finding a few zombie bobs...
I will be on most of the evening. Detlas is easiest for me. I believe we are in the same guild as well
I can sell it to you for 30 EB. [ATTACH]