I've been pronouncing it le - vin - gar this entire time and I only just noticed it doesn't have a n, welp.
My bad, I haven’t checked the beta section out so I thought this would be relevant to the new update. It’s still weird though, we’ve never heard...
When exploring the time valley, I came across a line in wynnic.... [IMG] It seems to read "The Olm cannot survive here, It is coming for us."...
Welp, Corkus is out. This quest isn't there, but all hope is not lost! Unfortunately, however, the quest needs to be moved. It seems the CT has...
It took awhile for them to update for gavel so I'd say no sooner than a month.
....thanks for the support....?
bumperino b/c corkus hype
60 supporters! lets keep going!
This is a great idea, but as is, there is already many parkour courses in wynn. This would just be a fun experience, instead of just jumping from...
I can't believe this is one of the quests that made it into corkus! i cri evrytim
I know, but a man can hope. I'll be happy if they make an eleytra hopper map in general, not just this specific design. A lot of other wynncraft...
I added a prefix to make the title pretty. This is basically a bump.
yeah, it's kinda sad, i worked a lot on this :)
ive been working on builds for the map; images soon. stay tuned.