I will second the prior statements and voice my strong support for forums changelogs. I think the importance of indexability and accessibility for...
pretty cool stuff
^ how the animations are handled from a network perspective is pretty important (wait you're in AIn? I didn't recognize your name for some...
Great to see this step taken towards fixing tomes.
my years of maining apoc have finally been rewarded
ok this is kinda a true criticism though, either someone doesn't know how clothes work or those statues are nude (and considering the robes on...
Yeah, this has always been a bit of a problem with the region. It's way too neat and tidy and linear for what it's supposed to be.
Definitely strongly agree that the default settings should show things that are relevant to most players. We can quibble over the details, but...
Yeah, not being able to test in beta effectively because of the need to waste time finding data that could easily just be put in patch notes is...
Incidentally, from what I've heard from lootrunners (corroborated by my own experience) the optimal run length was actually more like 1 hour, for...
What is this new Wynncraft where the update changes are consistently well-thought-out and interesting? The last three 2.0.x updates have all been...
Xebec is a fairly straightforward item - you can compute its mana value according to your cps and compare it to alternatives. As I recall, the...
too lazy to make a wiki account, I collected the missing data Rank,XP to reach from preceding, XP to reach total Rookie I,0,0 Rookie II,100,100...