That makes sense, I'm still surrpised at the lack of people I guess willing to put in the effort and time to war. You hear of people grinding 12...
I understand how warring works, I have done it several times. My main question is why is everyone so docile and peaceful in a game mode literally...
I've recently gotten back into Wynncraft after about a 5 year break, and was pretty interested in guilds, and guild wars. As I leveled my...
IGN: TalionFloyd Forum name: DoNotComboMe reason why you want to win: I want to be a good healer in raids tell something good about france: they...
bump bump bump
Need a build mainly for warring, but something I can also bring into Raids. I have 6 stacks of LE and am willing to spend most of them to get a...
In-game name*: TalionFloyd Highest combat level class*: 83 Assassin Discord name and tag*: Talion#1178 What is your timezone?*: EST Weekly...
Looking for 15 LE, but willing to negotiate
Where can we meet
Bumping, also added Scythe
2 LE for the Exile 32 EB for Shinespark
[ATTACH] Meeting in Detlas Starting Bid: 1 LE Increment: 1 LE Buyout: 5 LE [ATTACH] Starting Bid: 2 LE Increment: 1 LE Buyout: 7 LE
4 LE for 32 Bracelet
I'll bid 6 On jera
I have a Blue Mask, all the stats are 10+ (12 Intel, 11 defense and agi, 10 strength and dexterity I think) 6 LE, I'll post a screenshot if you...