i downloaded expansion, and that is also crashing on me
whats expansion
i downloaded wynncraft enhanced and everytime i load up MC i can get to the menu where i pick my class then when i get in my game crashes. ive...
ive been doing quest after quest after quest
i just wanna find someone jsut handing out LE but that is just a dream -_-
only problem is i dont have the 30+ LE people are asking for
what is that?
i actually hate my luck in this game :'(
i was doing a quest and i was supposed to go through a portal and while running to it i pushed q on accident which threw my chestnut horse on the...
sorry just seeing this now and whenever i get enough people
i need people to help me with the qira hive im level 84
yes, but id rather get it done so i dont have to worry about it later down the road and its the only high level quest i have rn
that would be amazing add me and when more people hopefully show up we will go
i am level 84 and am looking for people to help me with the qira hive so i can level up a bit. if you are willing to help my in game name is...
okay im on now and i will be on then too so sweet