Kreds to Maxi, best friend and assistant I've ever had, thank him for holding my shop up while I struggle with going undercover with a half a year...
Loot bonus is poor, so I'd say 1LE 40EB. Price? and do you mean the maltic's old spear?
3-4LE, price is high due to high XP bonus.
I kinda chose a bad time for opening this shop. xD tons of tests this week. Will play a ton tomorrow.
Kangro shop has reopened :D https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/reopening-kangro-shop-legendaries-for-sale.96046/
I have a french test tomorrow. My playtime will be between 16:00-17:00 UTC+1 today, that time is planned. I might scramble some time around 20:00...
The diablos are 45EB Each. As Gavel is quite near, I'm going to reduce the price of endgame by a lot. 4LE each. Read the post above. Read the...
Reserved post
[IMG] Manager Team Lead Manager: @DemonYoshiX Assisant Manager: @Maximi777 If you want to help with our shop, contact me via skype, you...
How much does it help that on your text, you never get real help from your teachers, but instead, they always say: "Go read some books!" xD
Will try. but as Shta, I'm not good at writing either. xD
Don't usually see this as a problem, but it's probably better this way than the current. One thing, I don't really want red to be the color of wars.
I getcha from that. Still, knives and daggers really is the only weapons I would imagine thieves use. :/
Ty, only problem I find is the weapon, a lockpick isn't exactly a weapon, and crowbar sounds a bit... Modern. I thought assassin used shears,...
Now you get why. the TOL territory is really badly placed. the grinding spot is in Troms' territory.