Never seen a viable build with 10k melee dps, nice work.
Can you remove the fatal from the title and the post then please? I came expecting to be able to bid on a fatal.
It's pretty decent and with great health regen and mana steal but you need a bit more dmg (like 16k-17k multi attacks) to solo LI. This one might...
IGN: DeadlySoren Brandon Sanderson is the best author.
I only wanted to see what I'm buying jeez, no need to be sarcastic about it. Also why would you not post a pic of that jera?! It's great! I'll...
Can you post a picture please? I'd like to know that it actually exists before I make a bid and I will be making a bid if you post a picture.
Okay, hope you find the one you want.
I have this one, it only has 2/4 mr but it has the 25% spell dmg. If you are interested it only costs 1.5 LE, at least it will hold you over until...
I still need help with two LI runs. Can anyone help?
I can come on right now, whats your class, level and IGN?
So I need to transmute my master item so that means three runs of qira and I can't do it by myself. I also need another diamond token from...
Would you do 2.25 stacks and this slayer for the fatal? [IMG]
Honestly, this was the biggest reason why I stopped playing before Gavel came out. Yeah there were the teasers and the hype (oh god was there...
Yep, rip us.
[SPOILER] Honestly, I want the shout bombs the most because then I can have shout offs with the people who actually have money.