Alright man, I hope everything is okay.
How about later today at 5 pm EST? Same servers.
I just want a white horse after sinking so much emeralds into trying to breed one. So my offer is 64 LE and a 30/30 Chestnut horse. It can even be...
I added you on discord. Just message me when you get on.
3pm EST today works. Want to meet in detlas? On world 20 or 5 if 20 isn't up
How about a stack of LE and a 30/30 chestnut?
Hey, I have the stack of LE and a 30/30 chestnut. When and where do you want to meet up?
Hey, if you're still selling the horse I a have a 30/30 chestnut and I should have the emeralds by sometime tomorrow. I already have 37 LE.
I can be on at any time of the day. Just tell me when you're on
T4 powders for 24EB each: 5X fire 2X water 2X earth 2X thunder Depressing weapons 4EB each: 2X shears 3X spears 1X stick 2X bows Libra 4LE...
It is
Thanks for checking out my items. Sorry for formatting, can't post links yet. Adamantite [1LE] [Stats] +4 Strength, -4% water damage, -4% thunder...
• Miscellaneous • Pink Wool [7EB] •Depressing Weapons• Shears X2 [3EB} Spear X3 [3EB] Stick X1 [3EB] Bow X2 [3EB] If you're interested leave a...