playstyle: (spell, hybrid, melee...) spell preferences: (elements, items...) Thunder and use Hive wand full t6 thunder restrictions: (level if...
Thanks for the replys! But can you people just send me the link to a good Mage with full t6 thunder hive wand i dont wanna believe i wasted that...
Hello. Im looking for a build since my builds are pretty useless now due to the update that don't allow you to use multiple HIVE items. I need...
Shadeww btw if you need i can do the boss services
Welp.. Nice job bro
1) Your IGN: Daaaaark 2) Why do you love Unicorns?: I love unicorns cuz they don't exist :( AND I GOT AN UNICORN IN WYNNCRAFT i'll show you in...
First Bump of my Store 乂❤‿❤乂
✋ Before you contiue read the rules bellow ✋ [1]- Keep in to offer a reasonable price for items without stated price. [2]- I dont accept Item...
Hey @Tomato_Viking i want hero Gimme :D
Eita :)
Im not a good guy or a bad guy. Im just.... a guy
I didnt know what to say in that question kk
Edited, and btw my archer will go to 92 :(
In-game Username: Dark0299 Your two highest classes (include levels): 92 (wynncraft.com/stats/player/dark0299) Previous guild affiliation(s):...