I joined before the Gavel update came out, I remember that there was only one type of damage that you (and mobs) could do, which I guess would be...
2.1 so fire it burned the forums servers down
Oh, okay, my bad lmao
Great theory! You've clearly done your research, and the speculative parts, while speculative, are also interesting and realistic, leaving a lot...
Fruma update has me like [ATTACH]
Thematically it's the Eye, for now. It's the final boss of the (current) final questline of the mythological "main storyline" of Wynn, and it has...
Yes, the story of the game itself, as told through quests and such
As the title says, how would you like the ending of Wynncraft's main story to pan out? I believe it'll likely end after we finish the hypothetical...
This is an issue regarding the entire timeline to be honest, it's way too stretched out in points. Like, the Corruption War taking 1000 years and...
D&D is considered outdated now? Man I feel old, in my eyes its still a "recent questline"
Sounds cap but I believe it, thanks I guess the real mystery is wtf was Bak'al doing for like 500 years then
Also, who the "one survivor" is that survived the destruction of Akias in 347 AP, according to Bak'al's Destruction 2
Who the "Beast's follower" mentioned in Fate of the Olm is.