I put that there because lets be honest not everyone has hanakifubuki but maybe after the update if the price crashes than maybe Im giving heavy...
Heavy melee shadestepper in lr? i didnt actually think that would be good but ill give it a try
Since rekindled worlds launched every mob has been buffed and lootruns have become harder especially with the new equilibrium nerf I want to get...
The rekindled worlds update added alot of new things, but what is the best part about it? Its not the amazing builds its not aspects which help...
I actually did not know about that, when i looked at the ID's of immolation i actually taught this was one of the worst mythics and did not think...
Reach lv 104 atleast then start lootrunning, u need skillpoints
I found a divzer build and i need help increasing the ehp without sacrificing too much damage...
https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder?v=8#9_0Au0u70r50Qx0K00K20aM0OH0QQ0O2C1B0O0e1g10006C00010036C1717070707070-1TlNyNytEE0 WynnBuilder build: >...
ik but the major id ADDS to that extra dmg
are birds considered as chickens
1. Weathered - This would of been the most PERFECT assassin mythic if it wasn't for the major ID, yes weathered already has a major ID but lets be...