No problem. Everyone has their own opinions about Trove. If it weren't that popular, Trove would probably lose... I'd say half their population by...
Trove is a great game. It's like a world made of cubes and voxels, with qualities of an MMO. I suggest you start playing it. I may put my Trove...
Gotta love Terraria! I MAY start my Warrior playthrough on PC if I ever finish my console playthrough. Either that or I'll start right now....
Well, I got bored, so I decided to make a 'thread' about one of my 'favorite' games called Trove. So in all seriousness, from this thread, you may...
I tried to 'undo' /toggle autojoin, but when I'm in the game world, it won't let me. For me, it's getting to a point where I'm about to literally...
Howdy. I guess it was a problem with my server resource pack, so I downloaded a separate Wynnpack. The MAIN difference was the name of the file....
Too bad I'll never be able to experience that at the rate I'm going. I'm still not able to get past the class selection (maybe because it's bugged...
* This thread has received 1 bump. Total bumps has increased to 1.
I seemed to have gotten stuck on the class selection screen. Unfortunately, I cannot post an image because I don't have enough posts, but I DO...
Howdy, once again. I was wondering if you had any separate downloads for the WynnPack. I had copied and extracted the server WynnPack to my...
I went to that and found NO helpful information, @SuperSmartMatt11 Maybe I just wasn't snooping around enough or something...? Well, I ended up...
When I was trying to download the WynnPack from within the server, my Minecraft had stopped responding, and then moments later, I lost connection...