I know there's a streak feature where if you do it every week your rewards get better, so I wouldn't be surprised if the chance of a mythic...
if fallen warrior is the one that was casting spells with health... perfect play warrior?!
eyyyyy it runs for the whole month this time also, interesting that this one's an hour long probably will lead to more diverse strategies which...
IGN: Crystqllized Discord: Crystallized#7999 Favorite build: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Vb0px0Je0tv0TQ0K20OJ0OM0BD0-0i1u-Y-Y1g00001004fI...
101 ws [MEDIA]
If we get an amount of walk speed before the 30 minutes is up, but we only show it after the 30 minutes is up, does it count?
There already is a way to get soul points much faster, which is using UWynn to switch worlds to the ones that are about to get sp Also, you...
So you want to add mindless grinding every time you die? That just bores the player for no good reason.
Saya is talking about using /kill to get away from something that might kill you. It's not relevant because it can simply be made so that Hunted...
IGN: Crystqllized Discord tag: Crystallized#7999 Do you like giga chad? explain why?: if used decently yes, because it is funny to see it applied...
how did aledar only lose one soul point when he died anyway, bump
you should update the title it now has 70+ supporters
ok ig that's true however, if they do get a panel of people to judge it, then they don't have to spend their time doing so (which keeps it...
Have 3 sections of the giveaway: 1 fully random (a few or many winners), 1 based on inviting people (few or many winners), and 1 based on...
this thread has gone over a week without a bump what