i got a 77% epoch with co as 6 stx and a disco with 91% lb co is 3 stx
I alr have (and wanna use) warp and disco for this build. Crafteds and mythics are ok. priority is lq, lb, and enough agility skill points for...
Selling resurgence [ATTACH]highest offer so far 5.5 stx
Selling Cata for 7 stx Also looking to trade the cata for a warp with decent mr, decent stats in both hr, decent teleport Stats: [ATTACH]
how/when should i be using pirouette? When i use pirouette, the mobs move away and i can't bounce on them anymore, resulting me dying often
What's the spell cycle for trickobat? Also, how do i play trickobat in tna? I keep on dying. Current build is...
I just need a good acro (or trickobat build) main looking for dps in spells, high mr, and good ehp
Alr thx the build seems cool
I wanna know what build is used in a yt video featuring quetz. Link is [MEDIA]
I'm riftwalker mage archetype and idk what i should keybind the ice snake and meteor to. Looking for consistency.
Is it worth exchanging Slayer Boots with +2 STX for better Slayer Boots? The person sending me the offer (T6miner) is a very experienced and chill...
I need a tna build that has good walk speed, dps, mana sustain, and ehp. Class: Mage (riftwalker) If possible plz use quetz and stardew