I said I already tried that. It has a glitch where clouds are, for whatever reason, visible through solid blocks.
I've tried like 10 different shaders now, and so far, every single one has shit on my frames except for SEUS. Why are shaders so damn horribly...
SUES doesn't have that, I tried going into the .fsh files and messing around with them but nothing made the darkness any brighter.I just tried...
I'm trying to use SUES but it's dark as fuck at night and in caves. Can't see shit. Any recommendations? Or a way to fix the insanely low brightness?
Guess I missed it back then. Wow.
I don't remember this existing since I last played two years ago. [ATTACH]
Server 3. Meet at Bob's Tomb.
My bad. Haven't been on this server since October. Don't remember how it all works.
Can't do shit with the quest as a solo Assassin at level 75. Not possible to solo Bob at any level as Assassin. I need some people to come help me...
Assassin is kinda bad all around (trust me, I'm a level 75 Assassin), but it's even worse at that level. Once you get to this level, it's not as...
He just tp's back out. Not to mention all his minions hit you from behind, dealing a bunch of damage.
I wish I had recorded it, because he DEFINITELY tp'd twice in less than 15 seconds. I was blinded, he tp'd, and the moment my blindness went away,...
It shouldn't be fucking practically required. With the combination of all his fucking minions, the fact that his minions TELEPORT, THE MINIONS...
The delay is DEFINITELY NOT 15 seconds. He teleported twice in less than 10 seconds.
There's no getting good about it, his attack patterns are all random. There's a chance that he'll do nothing but teleport for the entire fight,...