It wouldnt get taken down considering it is done on many other servers and it gives everyone a chance to get it
It could be an item that spawns in a mob it doesnt have to be a block like you could throw it on the ground and it would spawn a cow to kill Indeed
The person would just use logic to not put it in a busy area lol And people do pay alot of money but they dont get much out of it just looks...
There is a small chance that someone will get the rank cause you can just put the item that you place in your inventory and place it down where no...
But wynncraft would be better with this in my opinion
Have you guys never heard of this on other servers lol its called a rank mission
Yea exactly but it would be a rare chance since they wouldnt know where you placed it it would just say that a person has placed a rank up mission...
Since the EULA the ranks and pets are kinda useless since they dont do much for you. A way to bypass the eula would be to when you buy the rank it...