If I recall correctly, no xp bonuses affect quests.
I guess I'll just post some items then... Even though some might not be the best. [SPOILER] And these, I know you haven't added the items yet,...
That moment when you're back but come down with a bad cold.
Thanks for tag, but I'll probably pass. 40 Le is probably my highest offer for one.
40 Le cause why not.
Bumping...Also, @mag7c sorry about having been unable to meet with you for the vaward. I've been a bit busy as of late and it seems like we're on...
Pisces maybe 8-12 Le? Not 100% sure. And a 40sp 2/4 mana morph stardust is around 5 Le.
Nty. Looking for 80-85 Le.
Millennium 1 Le Infinity 2 Le Maelstrom 3-4 LE Maybe 1-4 le only. Worth nothing. 8-12 eb at max. It's a low level item.
I have a 31 or 32/40 (not sure and I can't check atm). Offer?
Small Bumps.
Was wondering when people were going to try and start selling these. Honestly not worth that much I think, as people collected so many sets during...
OMGGGGG, the beast has now spoken on forums as well. IS HE GETTING BACK INTO WYNNNINGGGG?!?!?!? I sold a 39% papyrus and 2/4 mana for 7.5 Le...
Honestly not sure. But most people probably prefer the cluster due to not needing a hive token. They probably have similar dmg, due to cluster...