I don't know how your other players feel on the subject. However I for one find your server very interesting and would love to see a development...
We have been discussing VIP perks on a seperate thread. On that topic we have been specifically discussing XP bombs and related effects. I would...
Its a gray area but I believe it would be ok if the XP totems were not announced. so long as anyone nearby them would benefit. This would...
Yeah, that would have the same effect. Totems would be a great way to implement it. If you are going down that path , you might consider other...
Here are a few thoughts. BOMB FUSE Instead of blanketing the server with double XP when an XP bomb is used. When a player uses an XP...
The Mojang EULA will not permit simply giving XP boosts to one person because they bought VIP. There are several alternatives that meet the EULA...
Double XP for VIPS i'm not certain will give the boost you are looking for, I actually believe the XP sheep will drop your revenues, all a player...
[IMG] Me.
Any older players here ? im 39 I play with my son 13. Interested in grouping/guilding with similar age group if they exist here :)
Agreed, unfair advantages for payment drag games down. I'm a fan of the current setup, and I purchased VIP for both my son and I as a way to...
If you mean reset stats / talent points. You can do the Tower of Amnesia Quest to gain access to the NPC that will let you do that. He will...
NPC Faction Reputation Ive always been a fan of reputation grinding. Having npc factions that sell items/gear, and also open up new quest chains...
Thanks guys! Donated today. I didnt know you were having a black Friday sale! The only reason I was waiting was for my paycheck to post in the...
Well, the devs can work around a lot of that if they wanted to. For example pvp damage could have a 5 level difference limiter. pvp event areas...
Hi , My name in game is Coffeebuzz77. My son Brokenclaw and I just foud out about Wynncraft a week ago and are enjoying it very much. Keep an...