If you can, meet 11:30 Eastern Time, if you can't make it, we can do it another time.
There is no silverfish dungeon anymore.
If I were you, I wouldn't be buying gear when you're that low of a level. It's because you level up so quickly that your gear will be under...
I don't want to be rude, but don't buy weapons/armor when you're that low of a level. You level up so quickly down there that your gear is going...
Selling this Shatterglass for 10 le. Wrong one, sorry. I have another one that I rerolled that has better stats.
I know, the rule of trading is you first make a deal so high only an idiot will buy, then you actually make your real price.
What would you consider a "godly" item?
If you can do 7 eb for each you got yourself a deal
I've got morph steel and morph gold, but that's it. I can sell it for 2 le.
I got one from grinding, but thanks for the offer though.
How much are these?
I can give you one for 1.5 le. If you want to negotiate a bit, we can.