value pls?
https://wiki.wynncraft.com/index.php?title=Cancer I FUCKING LOVE YOU
Okay so I've been getting some price checks but like they arent very good, like for example one guy told me that all my legendary s were worth...
Welcome to Knights of Fruma, you have been accepted Msg Me to join. Have fun!
Im the Co-Owner/ 2nd in command so basically i own it also with my irl friend aka the owner/leader
Hello, So you are probably wondering why does he say reboot, well you see we stopped playing (Me and The leader) and we did all the recruiting......
Did you leave KoF, and if you did it was great having you join and help out soooo much.
Rules Give at least 7% XP at all times Be respectful to everyone Follow orders from people with a higher rank Then you (optional) Donate emeralds...
you have to be invited by me or killcode Welcome to KoF (Knights of Fruma) MSG Me or Killcode96 to join. Have fun! Welcome to KoF (Knights of...
Welcome to KoF (Knights of Fruma) Msg me or KillCode96 to join
we can work something out but we dont always need the exp msg me if your still interested
Welcome to Knights of Fruma, you have been accepted Msg Me or Killcode96 to join. Have fun! Welcome to KoF(Knights of Fruma) as long as you can...
KoF Chief
sure. im in global 14 rn if you want to purchase
is this how much its worth?