In Game Name: ANT1D0T3 Country & Timezone: United States - MST, -7:00 Discord: 8055#9766 Age: 20 How did you find ESI?: Through a friend...
old !! 10char
Hello! I want to return to Wynncraft but I've been stuck on the re-do of Aldorei's Secret (Part 1). One of the NPCs wants bread - and I have it in...
i would like to block game
IGN (In-Game Username): ANT1D0T3 Country and Timezone: USA // MST -07:00 Age: 18 Discord Tag: 8055#9766 Highest class? Other classes?: Mage - 104;...
In-Game Name: ANT1D0T3 Region (NA, EU, AS, OCE): NA Highest class and Combat Level: Mage / Combat Level 104 Reason for joining: A friend joined...
Bump! 10char
Denied due to the fact we are currently only accepting combat level 50+. You are welcome to join our discord on the front page and apply again...
Accepted! You will be sent an invite in-game, join by typing the command /gu join ANO. Also join our discord (link on the front page) and tag a...
Denied due to the fact we are only accepting combat level 50+ right now. You are welcome to join our discord (on the front page) and apply again...
It's alright! Accepted, join the guild in-game by using the command /gu join ANO. I'll give you your discord roles in a moment. Welcome to...
You both are denied due to the fact that we are currently only accepting combat level 50+. You are both welcome to join our discord (invite on the...