But i am sorry for the long wait, life has been very busy.
Also on explaining vanish, it's not any sort of suit or material that refracts light. you can use vanish without wearing armor.
Well i now have some free time on my hands, i should get back to work. Also my pc is screwed over again yaaaaaaay......
back from vacation and my pc is back. Time to get to work on the Einstein field equations. This will be a pain to do...
Due to my PC still not being returned thanks to geeksquad being slow af. Next wynn science will be delayed.
Not trying to start a fight, you just made a bunch of theories I want to cover. Also you did not square the 7 which is the radius. Also, due to...
Then the object would appear to be white.
While trying to calculate the assassin's vanish I realized that @Net_Twerk with his theory of how vanish works does not account for how it able to...
K then, you try doing nuclear chemistry to calculate the energy required and produced for creating the mage's meteor. Also considering he can...
The thing is, that image does not show the emerald at its tallest, by measuring it diagonally with the Pythagorean Theorem, we get that height....
Made a sort of filler science post on liquefied emeralds as a break from trying to explain the physics of the assassin.
Good day fellow Wynncrafters So during this weekend while I was trying to unravel the SCIENCE of the assassin's vanish and multihit. I then asked...
Basic formula I used to calculate energy required to cause grass to ignite. pi*height of grass (.0625 m)*radius (7 meters/ 7 blocks)/3 (to account...
I did tell you, firstly I need to point out as I stated before I assumed a 75% energy waste thus increasing the total energy required, secondly I...
I am probably going to do assassin and also vanish will be fuuuun to do. I forgot to say that I'm assuming a 75% energy waste, I am stupid.