Do anyone know where is it really coming from ? Because since rekindled came out, I regularly experience big 1000+ ms ping spikes ( Its not my...
The problem is that its not per hit, its after 3-5 seconds, wich feels strange since it's supposed to be 2000/3s
With the recent update, packet losses have become even more frequent and higher so it makes playing the game really annoying, mabe having regional...
Archer is trash for everything :( Compared to other classes
Im not the only one feeling the same about lifesteal, it has been nerfed or something weird happened to it making it kind of useless compared to...
Not an instant ban but maybe some kind of mute that you could apply when you get your account back. Also some of these words are too generic to be...
That's what I said ... Not fighting her but WITH her, it could ben an interesting scenario.
Why not ? It could be something that we fight together not her as an enemy.
When I say cool its more like "cool for something that comes out of an AI" ( since everybody sptits on it ) but yeah I guess its more like "ok it...
Im not saying to use GPT for everything ... There is like at least 50% of the mobs that are ( like I said ) duplicates or very similar, so you can...
They could use chat GPT :smile:. Though I understand that writing the lore is a huge part, a lot of mobs dont need more than 5 words afterall. It...
YES PLEASE ! Being stuck to only 1 Hive item is worse than the soulpoint system
Even better, they should change her as a new Main World Event.