Minecraft username: _Iconic Highest Level Class (minimum combat level requirement: 75): Assassin 105 Age (optional, minimum age requirement: 13):...
IGN: _Iconic Discord IGN: _Iconic#2733 Where did you hear about the guild? Someone made a post in chat about this guild. List your classes and...
Well as you can see I did post here and I will because why not eh
Im actually not new, Im like wat lvl 68 Assassin, I did this for keks
Hello Everybody!!!! [IMG] Mmmhmmmmm.........
I support this Idea. I mean it sounds hella fun to add in PvP
Logging In, So will it be there when i log in?
IGN (REQUIRED): DarkLegacy07 Highest class lvl (REQUIRED): Assassin - 59 Gender-type: (So we don't assume.) Male Reason you want to join: Every...
Not so bad to see
This is an Idea from Me and the help of LordOfTheFrog. The Nova Aeros Province. This is a Province in the Sky. (The Wynncraft Map Doesn't have...
Just in case, I write in Purple cause I can...:saltedhigh: So my name is DarkLegacy07, I just want to say I love playing for Wynncraft and I...
IGN: DarkLegacy07 Gender: Male Age (optional): Darkness Never Reveals Age Region: (NA,EU,OCE) NA Do you have Discord?: Yes, DarkLegacy07 Highest...