Yeah, no problem. I think that this is actually a good suggestion, which are rare these days. It definitely gets annoying when mobs attack you...
That would make sense and is a really good idea, but I'm just thinking about the CT. Making all of those shields with stats and stuff is already a...
Warrior is arguably the weakest class. This is, in part, because of its inability to deal with ranged mobs. All of the other classes are able to...
I'm pretty sure this isn't a bug. The stats page updates itself, so you might just have to wait a little bit before the website recognizes your...
Bosses are too weak, I agree. But that mostly applies to any quest or dungeon boss. For The Passage, the player is required to do a boss altar,...
Thank you for your reply. The new ideas (with stuns and knockback) go a long way towards making this not a "hey guys who wants some damage" class....
Yeah, that makes sense. I didn't realize the limit that the mouse buttons (or maybe it's the length but imagine having four long spells) had...
I was trying to get rid of them, so just 1 emerald. Not an EB or an LE. I'll message you when I get online if you reply with your IGN.
I don't know. I think the idea of new spells is really good, and should be implemented. I just don't like the idea of "you have to collect spells...
For the arsonist, the main spell for damage shouldn't cost 8 mana. That seems way too high to me. Here are other spells (for the sake of...
It's not a bad suggestion. It's actually pretty good. I have little to no Reflection/Thorns but my secondary has 1080/3 poison. It is pretty...
Wait until you realize that I'm an archer and already do it with speed boost :). I haven't done CIB yet, but I do think that the parkour is fun....
I actually really like Ice Barrows and Undergrowth Ruins. Ice Barrows is challenging, but it has some elements that other dungeons don't. I love...