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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...
King of Dabs, Male, from United States
Dabbing excessively, to a magnitude of mega. (Yes, this is satirical, I don't actually unironically say cringe inducing stuff.) Dec 27, 2017
- _megaDABBER was last seen:
- Feb 1, 2018
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Hey, I'm _megaDABBER (yes, the name is just satire) and I've been playing Wynncraft for a range of 2 years now!
I joined on August 14th, 2015. I stopped playing soon after, only because I was busy and I lost my stuff (I don't remember why). I came back two years later, in late December of 2017. I've been playing actively ever since!
Since I've been here before, I do know a decent amount and I have background knowledge of item price, value and such. However, I can't confirm some prices, so don't come to me hoping to get the most precise value of something, but I can still roughly pricecheck!
ANYWAYS, thanks for reading this! I hope I see you all around in-game!
~ Mega DabberInteract
only dab on em if they do NOT dab back
and if they do,
do not show mercy - Loading...