When I fight the boss how do I know which pressure plate summons which troop? The wikis says that a certain pressure plate will spawn a certain...
The right click timer is way too responsive! When I right click it registers it TWICE which makes using the one important spell impossible!
Today I got a reward saying "115 emeralds and 12 items". I didn't get 115 emeralds, only about 40.
How am I not ready? I just got level 38! I tried climbing the stairs but it won't let me!
The difference between horses is it's max level. But my question is this: Do all of the horses have the same starting "stats"?
I just got a legendary spear. I identified it and then sold it to the item buyer. I just had a net negative emerald sell! You should really...
I live in the US.
Ok lets think of some names 1. Noob's best hope 2. Pro's worst nightmare 3. Fake emeralds Yep, NOW LET ME WIN! Lol lel jk maybe not I just want...
Where is this server located? I get extreme latency but I live in the US!
Um your title is misleading. The approval is ONLY 93%! Please don't lie to people like that!
Why does your icon remind me of a temmie.
Im talking latency
This guy said it was FREEI need help killing the lost sanctuary normal boss. So difficult!
I thought the floor blows up as soon as you drop 8 tnts?
The mobs lag every 2 or so seconds! This is KILLING me! (get it? because i died over and over due to lag?) Can you fix this? You may say that we...