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Dungeons Master Keys for Standard Dungeons

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Floccinaucian, Mar 19, 2025.


Master Keys, how about it? Would you run ANY dungeon 100 times?

  1. Oh, yeah!

    3 vote(s)
  2. Sure.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Hmm...

    0 vote(s)
  4. I don't think I would.

    1 vote(s)
  5. No WAY.

    3 vote(s)
  1. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    Say you clear a dungeon 100 times. On your 100th clear, you can speak to the Key Keeper to retrieve a Master Key that allows you to open the dungeon freely without spending the key. This would open the dungeon as it normally does, for up to 4 players (5 if you're feeling crazy), and for its usual duration. Imagine just having a key ready for a new profile to use, too, without needing to do the quest first or search for a mob that has it. It also permits some speedy onboarding for recruited players joining their more experienced friends.

    To mitigate botting abuses, emphasize stewardship, and to add incentive to have Master Keys for multiple dungeons, each Master Key has 2 charges which take 15 minutes to restore one charge.

    This doesn't really have all that much benefit to the individual; it's to encourage more player-to-player interaction, between veteran and newer players. With the Ghosts feature, you can easily find players milling around dungeon entrances that have either used their last key in an attempt, or that have just stumbled upon the dungeon without having one. Using the Master Key could activate a local announcement in radius with the Key Keeper, alerting nearby players of the dungeon's opening.

    It's not likely each time you open it will result in 4-player runs, if even one player enters after it's open, but the opportunity cost is so low that you may as well spend your charges when they're there, then run off to do something else.

    This Master Key could also be one item, provided to the player the first time they clear a dungeon 100 times, then augmented with each additional 100-clear-dungeon. It might start with only one charge, but accrue more as the Master Key is improved with more -- haha -- mastery, as well as being able to unlock those specified dungeons.

    If the Master Key is only one item, I'd imagine that despite being able to unlock multiple different dungeons, there would no longer be discrete charges for each dungeon, but just charges for the item.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2025
  2. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    can you stop making biased polls. Just let us vote on whether it should be added or not
    Deusphage likes this.
  3. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    I understand the basic concept; keys are tedious, and this is a suggestion to fix it. I think there are a couple of problems.

    The most important issue is that this would encourage players to grind to 100 dungeon clears, probably on every dungeon, to acquire the master key. The grinding problem would become much worse if the key can be continually improved through more grinding. It would invalidate dungeon bombs, and change up the advanced dungeon meta so that you have to have all your Master Keys for it. This would also wreak havoc on the already underused rune economy; Nii runes are literally only relevant to dungeons and would become nearly worthless. You'd imagine that high-level play would incorporate grind parties where multiple Master Key holders would continually cycle a dungeon, ad infinitum, so the other people in the party can get their own Master Keys without having to consume any resources.

    To be clear, I don't think the current key system is particularly good, but this wouldn't fix anything. You could make high-level dungeons cost runes to open; low-level dungeons (UR and below) happen before runes are really a thing, so they might have time locks (lose and you can't repeat, unless you use a key to skip the timer), an alternate rune-like resource, or simply be free to attempt, with the cost for losing being time.

    Also, yea, your poll's a bit scummy.
  4. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    I'm not sure how it'd invalidate dungeon bombs; during those you can enter the dungeon as much as you want for much longer than a key's activation period is worth, and it's not to say that the rate at which you gain charges for your Master Key can't be prorated as they increase (say, after 3 charges, you need to 'master' two dungeons for your 4th charge instead of only one). I also specified Standard dungeons, not Corrupted ones that require runes for entry. I don't feel like this is much different than just having 3 keys in your pocket for something, really, it just saves you having to grab them. You already don't really need to grab them if you just switch servers when you see someone unlock and enter a dungeon on their own.

    The polls aren't the point, to me. If people like the thing it stays in discussion, and if they don't, it gets kicked down the list. I also don't see how you would earn this any other way than grinding in some way, and if the method I suggested is a bit much, you just say 'no'. If you'd do it that way, you vote 'yeah'. If you like the idea but want it done differently, you post about it. If you just don't like it and don't care, you just leave your 'no' and move on.
  5. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    Okay but I keep seeing a trend in suggestions "100 clears for this reward" and my response to that is, do you guys not realize how excruciatingly long 100 clears is for any activity? Putting aside the fact that you'd need 100 keys and after doing this you'd have more than everything you'd ever need from that dungeon for any class you'd ever make in your life, 100 clears for a single activity is mind-bogglingly tedious even if it were the shortest activity in the game, which dungeons are not.
    I like the idea of master keys as a veteran introducing players to Wynncraft but it would be one of the worst things in all of Wynncraft if you needed 100 clears to get it for one dungeon. Yeah it does interfere with dungeon bombs' existence but frankly I think that's more of a problem with how keys are designed anyways.

    Also I'm not sure if you know this yet but you no longer need to do the dungeon quests to unlock the dungeon (with a few exceptions).
    Tzelofachad and Elytry like this.
  6. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    The quests aren't required, no, but for completing introductory quests for these dungeons, you receive a key.

    100's just an arbitrary number -- it could be any number of clears. It could be irrelevant of clears, instead a reward for completing the Corrupted version of that dungeon. That does, however, set the level you can acquire Master Keys much further along, rather than it being as soon as you complete the required number of clears.
  7. Game Bad

    Game Bad Travelled Adventurer

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    I think the point behind the amount of runs being so high is for it to be a reward specific to long-time players. It's not worth it for short term or infrequent players, but most meta players I know have several strategys around repeated dungeon runs.
  8. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    I'd have said something low like '50 runs', but I don't want to suggest something like this when I'm already eligible for it. Maybe it could be a stack of keys; 64 runs. I'm only 9 away from that, in Decrepit Sewers... but still.