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Game Mechanics Remote Banking

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Floccinaucian, Mar 12, 2025.


You like his scrolls?

  1. I like this guy AND his scrolls.

    1 vote(s)
  2. I feel nothing.

    0 vote(s)
  3. This technology is dangerous and should be obliterated.

    4 vote(s)
  4. He's drinking it...?

    0 vote(s)
  5. I like the alternative idea better than the original post.

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    Don't wanna run into town, don't wanna waste money identifying all this junk yet then run to the blacksmith and sell it all, or accidentally sell all of it to the blacksmith first, don't wanna spend 30 seconds looking for a bank and have to do it again later, don't wanna run all the way back to town because I forgot something. I want to pay 1LE for a weird guy to give me a scroll that saves me all that...

    ... for a while. There's a catch -- the guy at the bank that gives you these scrolls is really stingy with them, and placing them in your bank might cause a rip in spacetime; bankers don't want to deal with that so they won't let you put them there. You can only carry one in your inventory at a time, and you can only open the bank through the scroll 3 times before it's destroyed.

    No menu. You just right-click him with LE in your hand and, if you have the inventory space, you hear a drinking noise and the scroll is yours!

    You can put it in your Misc. Bucket on an island if you want... but he'll know. He'll always know. You're never gonna have two of them at one time and he'll make sure of it.

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2025
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Returning to a town is a core element of the gameplay loop that I don't think many of us would be too keen getting rid of. It serves as a natural low point that completes the larger cycles of effectively all content, so letting you effectively start the loop again before the currently set closing point seems like it'd remove a lot of the importance that a town actually has; you dont have a need to stop there if the main reason you would is instead an ability you can use whenever.
    I'm also not really sure what you're suggesting? A scroll that opens the bank...?
    Poll should be changed to be clearer what the votes are meant to be. I have no clue where I'm meant to vote if I am in disapproval of this suggestion
  3. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    It wouldn't get rid of returning to town altogether, as players' bank inventories (while expansive) aren't infinite and you can only use the scroll (or whichever vessel for this concept, scrolls are just a quick heuristic that connects the idea of town to it) three times before you have to return to town to get a new one, so you can only really bank some ~150 items before needing to head back, a little bit more if you're savvy with it. There are also some things you can only access in towns that would bring them back anyway, like the player markets, especially in close proximity to item identifiers. Towns are convenient! They're a nexus of different things all located in one spot; you can access your bank items with this concept, but not so much do anything with them other than move them around. At its heart, this idea is a facilitator of item management more than anything else. It doesn't really keep players from town, it just keeps players in the field longer.

    And, I dunno. You like his scrolls or what?
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2025
  4. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    The problem isn't the availability of banks, the problem is the lack of inventory space in Wynncraft that makes looting so insufferable.
    Personally, I'm partial to the idea of having more dedicated slots similar to the ingredient pouch that each holds its own items. As an example, you'd have a loot pouch for carrying loot, emerald pouch for emeralds, ingredient pouch for ingredients, and they'd all be upgradeable to get more slots as you progress through the game.
    That's just my idea, either way the lack of inventory space is a huge problem for Wynncraft because it punishes players for exploring for more than 5-10 minutes. Heck, I'll probably make my own thread on the basis of "stupid design choices that punish you for playing correctly".
  5. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    Adding discrete inventories in that way just seems superfluous to me when players already get an expanding, upgradable inventory in the form of the bank that they can sort by different pages all on their own.

    The problem has always been inventory space, not necessarily that you can't access your bank remotely but being able to do the latter alleviates the former.

    : This scroll instead opens up a 27-slot/single chest menu, which allows you to ONLY DEPOSIT items into your CHARACTER bank. This sustains the incentive to return to town to eventually retrieve (or just plain clean out) the items you deposited, while also allowing players to run around gathering gear and resources for a while. The use of the scroll is also only consumed if the items are actually confirmed for transfer. You can own multiple of these scrolls, but like Town Warp scrolls, their charges are all peculiarly linked, and the scroll can only be recharged at the vendor you got it from originally for 1LE.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2025
  6. Game Bad

    Game Bad Travelled Adventurer

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    They mean like a shulker box, but it opens the bank inventory and it has one charge that you can only restore by returning to the city. It doesn't negate the loop entirely, it just makes it a bit longer.
  7. Floccinaucian

    Floccinaucian Trifling Wisp of Ragni

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    [whistling innocuously] Players with higher and higher ranks could receive scrolls with more charges, as well... Just saying!