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Game Mechanics Holy Trinity of the Fallen Archetype.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by brilliantknight, Jan 5, 2025.

  1. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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    I'm brilliantknight and today im gonna make a feedback about it despite the fact i have played on Fallen a long time ago.
    Let's begin!
    As all of Fallen Mainers know, there are 3 weapons that reveals its archetype's potential: Thrundacrack, Alkatraz... and Bloodbath, the new one. But have you noticed how all of them following the concept of dealing high DPS?
    • Drain your mana and spend your Health to obliterate your enemies.

    Especially when it comes to the last one when it's gimmick is based on Blood Pact while the other two can do the same. And i've started to think how to create a ways to release their potential because only difference i've noticed is High Damage from Thrunda, Rage's Dependence from Alka and portion of QoL from Bloodbath.
    And here comes the solution series:
    1. Thrundacrack must be renamed to Mjölnir with its lore and recieve a Major ID called
    Power of the Worthy: Sacred Surge's power is doubled. Upon pressing SHIFT and casting War Scream concentrate even more Holy Power to unleash a massive strike with its supposed damage. Just like Twain's Arc but for Warrior.
    1. Alkatraz must recieve a new lore with a new Major ID called
    Orc's Wrath: For every 2% of Walk Speed you have increase the Earth Armor Powder Special's power by 1% (Max is 100, so 300% of Earth Damage from Rage in total including its maximum of value).
    1. Bloodbath must recieve a Major ID called
    Bloodbath: Triple the Boiling Blood's damage (if we include the fact that it scales with Corrupted) but Enraged Blow is lowered to 100%. Exhilarate heals 70% of your health but you have to be lower than 20% of your max health. In my opinion, this can give them an Identity and expand their potential not only to Fallen Archetype but for the others too. I will understand if this idea will be declined. Negative opinion is a opinion too and i admit it. That's all i wanted to say,
    Thanks for the attention and see you later on my Apocalypse Feedback!
  2. MinecraftGokuSSJ

    MinecraftGokuSSJ Fallen Enjoyer CHAMPION

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    "Thundracrack must be renamed to Mjolnir" - yes, and lets give it alkatraz's looks to make it fit? But seriously, its thundracrack, no need to rename the item - simply make the major id something related to the thunders themselves. Maybe "Sparking Thunders" would do? (Sparking Hope reference)

    Power of Worthy:
    Dear god, *Shift + Warscream*, no - just no. It deactivates corruption, this one is out the window. It could just work with simply warscream with specific % of Surge bar instead of Shift+Scream. Overall I would shift this ability to be something similar to thunderstorm of mage - since its Thundracrack, maybe smiting opponents in surrounding area for pure Thunder 250% DMG and then applying burn damage afterwards for small value like 20-30% for few seconds?

    Orc's Wrath:
    Honestly, I would say boosting armor's earth powder special is good (but I think just affecting the earth damage or damage% would be more reliable since I doubt they will add effect that affects purely powders), and walkspeed scaling could even already align with the item's lore; Soul-Locking magic of this item, and walkspeed signifying the attempt to escape it. I would honestly just change the Major ID's name to something more fitting - maybe "Warden's Wrath"?

    My other idea is to just make the Major ID enable Rage scaling from 100% HP instead of 75% HP like it is right now, and forget about walkspeed completly (which would be way more fitting since not everyone like walkspeed)

    Bloodbath (id):
    Ok this one sounds good at first, but enraged nerf would drop its damage when compared to other options even more, so I would just make it so it has better bonus from bpact as compensation? maybe slight change imho:

    Spells casted with health will receive +10% damage bonus, and their effects will last 20% longer (This includes: Boiling blood duration, Armor Breaker duration etc). Boiling blood's damage is doubled, but better Enraged Blow's effectiveness is halved (max 110 instead of 140). Exhilirate grants double healing below 25% Health.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2025
  3. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    why. no.
    thundracrack is a stupid name but it's completely unnecessary to change its name for an item rework, especially to name it after a weapon of a character that does not exist within the wynncraft universe.
  4. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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    Counterpoint: Gungnir

    Anyways it sure isn't necessary
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2025
  5. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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