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World take away legendary island and qira's canned abis

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by RandomDuckNerd, Oct 19, 2024.

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  1. RandomDuckNerd

    RandomDuckNerd RandomDuckNerd HERO

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    I swear these 2 pieces of content got like 12x harder in 2.1,

    And don't even say skill issue because if I was skill issued how would I have SOLO'd qira and legendary island with my warrior pre 2.1??? Nowadays I'm failing legendary island WITH HELP on a LIGHT BENDER???

    i remember hearing somewhere that most level 80+ stuff is messed up balance wise but qira and legendary get under my skin especially
    Elytry and Rythew like this.
  2. AThreeLetterName

    AThreeLetterName Travelled Adventurer

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    This is partially due to the fact that level 80+ mobs are tuned to the "base stat" system -- originally from tomes -- that no longer are obtainable in game. They were supposed to get re-added and attached to the content book (bringing back flashbacks to Battle Cats treasure farming) but haven't appeared yet. Currently, they're about 10-20% stronger in HP and damage than they should be IIRC (I talked to Selvut about this a while ago.)

    These pieces of content are also definitely going to get movesetted eventually, but that's gonna take time. Mob damage/HP also has to be manually toned down which would take time to do, and if base stats do come back in some way, shape, or form they would have to be adjusted back again.

    It's super frustrating to say the least especially since these two pieces of content (at least on the surface) seem to have been completely ignored in favor of tuning early game stuff that wasn't really in need of tuning anyway, but what can ya do.
    Elytry and RandomDuckNerd like this.
  3. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I can't really speak for Legendary Island (I think I've tried it twice since the update), but Qira seems pretty reasonable right now, considering that she's meant to be one of the toughest bosses in the game and was originally meant to be fought with several players. She didn't get a massive buff except to her health pool as far as I can tell, and that honestly felt reasonable to counter the massive 2.0 power creep. I believe she went from something like 1-2 million health total to ~4-5 million or so (if you care you could look up what the actual numbers are, I'm too lazy though), and the damage doesn't feel hugely different (except for one of the spiders, which definitely could use some damage reduction).
  4. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    imo legendary island 2.1 is actually not that bad, but I still agree that it is certainly overtuned
    RandomDuckNerd likes this.
  5. Xephar

    Xephar not default CHAMPION

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    Both of these things should be hard, and you shouldn't be able to do it on just any class. I've personally soloed both quite a few times since the update and I enjoy how challenging it is now. Instead of it previously being some tedious thing you had to speed-run, they have now become solid challenges that kind of tach onto the end game when you need to switch between builds/make different/new builds, etc. Although I think they both need a slight nerf. In legendary island the bronze bosses certainly should not be as strong as they are. But also at the same time you should not be failing legendary island on light-bender with help as well... It IS a skill issue my guy
  6. RandomDuckNerd

    RandomDuckNerd RandomDuckNerd HERO

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    I think the reason the early game stuff was changed was to give completely new players joining in 2.1 a good first impression of the game

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2024
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  7. RandomDuckNerd

    RandomDuckNerd RandomDuckNerd HERO

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    honestly this was more of a legendary island rant thread qira is like 10x less annoying
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