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Game Mechanics Mega QOL request (new player POV)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by cotamer, Sep 11, 2024.


Do you think wynncraft should add QOLs such as /trades, backpacks, unlimited travel scrolls, etc

  1. yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

  3. go back to skyblock you noob

  1. cotamer

    cotamer Newbie Adventurer VIP+

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    Hi, I started playing this game last week and I was a very advid Hypixel skyblock player, I have reached level 50 and its been a blast so far, the world is amazing and the quests are interesting, however I do have some major complaints that brings my enjoyment of the game down. Here are some:

    1: no /ah? I want to trade whenever and wherever, lock it behind the VIP tag for all that matters.

    2: no backpacks? Inventory fills out in like 5 minutes and I would have to tp to a town again. its so annoying. Also personal storage can only be accessed in banks, im used to just open up backpacks whenever.

    3: absolutely garbage armor and weapons. Like 90% of all armor and weapon gives nothing but pure random stats, and half the stats are completely useless. Like its just:

    does it give more damage than my current armor?
    get this garbage out of my inventory.

    This is because very few items have unique abilities so they are actively uninteresting and if there is no damage stat, its instantly unusable.

    4: sometimes quests and povs would just bug out and do nothing.
    Green goop: the damn guy wont accept my slime balls?

    Priate's trove: the tree crystal literally don't react

    and most recently I found: the boss alter Prison Of Souls doesnt activate at all? I fed that thing like a stack of ghostly essence??

    also the navigation would just fail for no reason, like after fetching an item for a quest, you are suppose to be back but theres no waypoints to go back? Half the game im spending trying to find the npc again

    Overall, it has been really fun, I just wish that armor and weapons have MORE distinguishing elements. I also believe that if you smash the QOLs of hypixel skyblock into wynncraft, the game would be so much better. and you can even just put it behind a pay wall, such as the VIP rank.

    *None of the above has been edited*

    This is my response to the counter points.

    1: Items
    Items, my point stands, until level 50 or so, most of the armor and weapons are completely worthless, but the game gets harder when jungle gets unlocked, and I actually have to think about what im building(might be because I wore scarlet and it gave me negative defense). But I do see the value in the items theory crafting later on.

    2: QOL
    Overall, the counter points to my points are just "different game" and "different style" particularly to QOLs, there is nothing wrong with that argument, but it is a pretty bad one because you can use it to justify literally anything. (actually think about this, what CANT you justify with this point?)

    I argue that you CAN have both and still be an amazing game. The main event loop of always going back to town sucks. There should be a direct reason to go back in town, whether to identify a new exciting legendary that just dropped, or to refill on potions(biggest reason), talk with an npc, etc. It is mutually exclusive, the only thing you are saving is time. I want to be able to pick everything I see, I want to explore more. WHY is the game forcing me to go back to the same place after one cave dive because of some dumb event loop? I want to hit up cave after cave after cave.

    I totally understand where yall are coming from, but just like playing Calamity Mod on Terraria, the reason people install a bunch QOL mods is because the core of the mod and the game is to fight bosses, not the boring potion/plant system that Terraria got.

    If the core of Wynncraft is world exploration, stop forcing me to go back to the same town over and over, like does this happen to you, you saw a cool POV next to the cave you just exited, but your inventory is completely full, so instead of further exploring, you went back to town. How much better would the game be if you arnt forced to do that?


    3: Bugs

    Yeah its an old game and migrated to new version, I'm surprised it even works 90% of the time, so I can forgive the 10% where it bugs out. And based on the bug report i did submit, the admits are always fixing stuff
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2024
  2. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I don't think you understand how IDs work. Most items have a pretty good selection of IDs, and those are generally pretty carefully chosen. Damage is nowhere near the most useful for most builds.
    Elytry and Elysium_ like this.
  3. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    bro really tried to add Pay to Win to wynncraft on their first day
    Melkor, Bwitty03 and Elytry like this.
  4. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    I'm considering calling this an HSBpilled suggestion, but honestly, that's not strong enough.

    This makes sense considering that you're coming from HSB, but Wynncraft is a completely different style of game and is not intended to play anything like HSB. And in the context of Wynncraft, these suggestions are ridiculous.
    1. No. Bad idea. That breaks the entire gameplay loop.
    2. Wynncraft's gameplay loop incorporates regular town visits in order to clear your items, manage your build, and investigate quest opportunities. Your inventory filling up in 'like 5 minutes' implies you aren't putting thought into what items you're putting in your inventory, and are likely just emptying every chest you find. You don't need to do that; low-level powders probably aren't worth filling your inventory, and you're also probably stuffing it with Unique and Rare unidentified items, when those are usually irrelevant unless you really need to get higher-level gear.
    3. Calling the entire Wynncraft building system 'pure random stats' is, quite simply, completely ignorant. While the rolls are random, you can also reroll the items, and outside of endgame, the precise rolls generally don't matter - the ID will be in a usable range regardless. You have to apply actual thought to the stats on the items, how they work, and what IDs would be helpful to your build - although, admittedly, some IDs (like Poison, Thorns, and Reflection) are not, in fact, very useful.
    You aren't very descriptive about your bugs here. Wynncraft does have bugs, but since you aren't describing what these bugs are, it's not clear if you're playing wrong or if it legitimately glitched out.
    Navigation isn't that hard. Really?

    This is not HSB. If you want to play HSB, go back to HSB. And you really should have asked in the general board about the gameplay differences between HSB and Wynncraft before telling the CT to make Wynncraft more like HSB.
    Da Homeboi and Elytry like this.
  5. Elytry

    Elytry Fractal VIP

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    the hell is an ah?
    there is a /trade [playername] and a global trade market in major cities
    cry about it
    it's this magical thing called: All items are actually somewhat interesting to weigh against each other, and (especially with the new update) if you go full glass cannon early you gonna die.
    if there is a bug
    /class usually fixes quest loading errors
    cry about it
    and also basically everything that culpit said
  6. cotamer

    cotamer Newbie Adventurer VIP+

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    something is broken? -> cry about it
    nothing wrong with giving QOLs for a price, the server gotta survive somehow
  7. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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  8. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    it's just that there is a specific section of the forums to report bugs, this isn't really the place to put them. also, you kinda gotta be a bit more detailed in certain things, like saying "x is broken" doesn't really help anyone since there's no way for the ct or devs to know what you're talking about
    you say this as if wynn is dying because you can't access the trade market from anywhere, can't tp infinitely, and you have to manage your inventory. i think you just have a skewed understanding of what wynn is; it's not hsb. making it more like hsb is not an objectively good thing. wynn is its own game with its own mechanics and if you can't accept them then maybe you do have to go back to hsb. not trying to be rude but i don't think that suggesting these things without properly learning how they work, such as with the item system, is fair.

    even locking certain "qols" such as infinite teleport scroll charges behind ranks is pretty p2w.
    inventory management isn't really a big issue in wynn tbh; you'll be going back to towns anyway to identify and sell items, so as long as you're occasionally doing these things it probably won't be too hard to manage. also, there are emerald pouches you can commonly find in chests or buy on the trade market that make emerald storage a LOT easier.
    and yea you do have to find other ways to get to places in this game. there are many fast travels you can unlock around the map that make the process a lot easier, but sometimes you might have to just... walk somewhere. which i guess is not the case in hsb but infinite teleportation around the map at no cost is just too op. plus, it was just removed in the latest update so there's almost no chance it's coming back lol
    Elytry and Da Homeboi like this.
  9. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    it's not 'broken' a lot of older quests just have worse mechanics that dont work well with new features, and the dev team cant instantly update all the old content
    Elytry likes this.
  10. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Jeez people. Outright hostility isn't really necessary, especially when a new player points out how buggy Wynncraft can be. While I agree that a lot of the points don't really make sense for Wynn and don't really have detail, jumping straight to insults is entirely uncalled for. Here's some actual responses to the issues in the thread.

    1. The trade market is only available in a couple of locations, and for good reason. Without the trade market, people need to make careful decisions on what they pick up and how they deal with it if it ceases being useful. They also have more incentive to try out gear they find, and can't just insta-sell everything.

    2. As I and other people have pointed out, you're meant to make decisions about what you pick up and what you don't. It helps to regulate the economy, and reinforces the central gameplay loop of leaving towns, doing something, then returning. As much as I may joke otherwise, this isn't just a capitalism simulator. The world is the main focus of the game, not the shiny green things.

    3. As I pointed out, this complaint really doesn't make any sense to me, and sounds like you don't really understand how IDs and builds work in Wynncraft. Very, very few items have random stats. They're generally both thematic for the piece of gear, and carefully adjusted to make sure it is at an appropriate power level. They're also generally chosen to work well together or as a general buff. Moreover, damage is far from the most important ID, and balancing a variety of identifications is pretty essential for making functional builds. Sustain and movement are both just as important, if not more so. Stacking nothing but damage isn't even the best way to get more damage in a build most of the time.

    4. Most of those sound like bugs or user error. If they're bugs, report them. The navigation isn't always meant to handhold through the entire quest. Learning that much of the map is necessary. That said, I can get the frustration of not being shown where you're supposed to go.

    What QoLs? I think the majority of them wouldn't fit Wynncraft, since they're not really the same type of game, as much as people keep trying to make the comparison. Locking them behind a paywall also is understandably unpopular, and probably wouldn't go over well with the community given how straightforwardly pay-to-win some of that is.
  11. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    We intentionally do not have commands to access your bank or the trade market, and have profession crafting areas within towns. One of the main gameplay loops is going out into the wild and then returning to a town to stash, sell, restock, and meet other players.
    If we chose to add this then we would not lock the feature behind VIP, as that would be Pay to Win.

    You are provided with an Ingredient Pouch that can store ingredients you get from mobs, and you can find Emerald Pouches which can store currency. Beyond that, there is no in-inventory storage for items.
    Just because you are used to a game where having a large inventory where you can store everything you come across, that does not mean that we should change our game to match. The game we wish to create isn't one where you're hauling around multiple inventories on your person.

    You have a misunderstanding on how items work. Damage is not the sole value that dictates if a piece of equipment is good. The IDs of an item are crucial to if it would be useful in your build or not.
    Most items will not give unique abilities because your moveset comes from the abilities you pick in your ability tree.

    Because our game has a lot of moving parts, and it's a very old game-- encroaching on 11 years now --theres bound to be stuff that breaks. We have an official place to report bugs here on the forums, where they will be documented into our system.

    Skyblock is a dramatically different game from the experience we provide, and beyond the fact we do not want to emulate elements from them, most just would not fit in our server.
    We have other means of monetization. This most recent update was only possible because we have gotten ways to increase our funding, and then take that money and put it back into the server to make it better and better
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2024
    BabaFisi and Elytry like this.
  12. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    OH NO!
  13. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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  14. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    champion pet levels:
  15. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    maybe it was a freudian slip
    your subconscious telling you something

  16. Elytry

    Elytry Fractal VIP

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    wynn doesn't need gadget creep backpacks. that's not something that's broken
    also wynn needing waypoints for literally everything is not necessary, just... pay attention to where everything is. It's not that hard. Use landmarks. Learn your way around the map.
  17. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    I wouldn't really say that's pay to win. The benefits are so minor (like petting the creature) that it might as well be cosmetic. The only stuff I feel stands a bit on the nose is being able to scrap or bank items using a pet.
    Most of the paid-for stuff benefits full servers or any players participating. Mob totems aren't a personal thing, and bombs affect the whole world. One person pays but everyone can enjoy the benefits
    BabaFisi likes this.
  18. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    that is what the post is talking about lol
  19. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    Being able to set up a mob totem is much more powerful than merely being able to benefit from one. (Also, I don't see anyone using mob totems. Are they broken?) Similar with bombs, although less so since bombs aren't restricted to a small (probably) grind spot.

    I do think Champion has some P2W stuff, but alas I can't really remember everything I complain about. Half of it is probably the pets. Being able to scrap and bank items with them seems somewhat unfair. (I can understand locking petting the pet behind Champion, but I wish petting pets was locked behind VIP instead*. I also wish there was some way to use my extra pets. And maybe a fix for that eternal pets-despawn-when-/class bug.)
    *Each rank could give you +20 max pet levels, so VIPs can have level 40 pets, HEROs get level 80, and Champs level 100.

    Also, Champion gets the bomb bell and Champion world slots, which are definitely P2W.
  20. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    There's a channel in our discord that functions like the bomb bell. The only difference is champion gets it in game